Grow My GRIT Blog

Our blog is a companion source for our consulting process.

Grains of GRIT – How Does My GRIT Help Comfort Me Outside of My Comfort Zone?

An effervescent, happy-go-lucky foodie behaviourist who is a realist and tries to find the positive in every situation. I am continuously grateful for my partner in life, family, friends and all the blessings life brings. GRIT = Go + Resourceful + Integrity + Trust… My process was to list all the words per letter and pick the one that held more value to me when I imagined a perceived obstacle/challenge in my personal life and at work. I chose the word that applied to both situations. I find that my GRIT words could change depending on the situation. In terms of changing my words, I readily identified and picked my G word. For the other ones, I changed my word at least 2 to 3 times. I completed the activity by myself and I didn’t want to overthink or overanalyze the process, so I went with the word that applied … Read more

Grains of GRIT – What Came to Light as I Chose My GRIT words?

Mother, Sister, Daughter, Partner Teacher, Friend. Lover of Drake and old-school Hip Hop. Lover of animals. I will build and operate an animal shelter as my next adventure. Lover of adventure to travel…I will see the world! I define my GRIT as my “why”. Why I do what I do… even if it’s difficult. Even after a great deal of introspection… Giving, Respect, Integrity and Tenacity… THESE ARE MY WORDS! I am a total giver. I get the most joy when I am in a position of giving and I love to give to others emotionally, physically and even materially. Respect is everything to me. I am a first-generation Canadian and I have been raised as a Roman Catholic. Very early in my life I was taught that respect was everything. Honouring and respecting people, their traditions, family, and culture. It is all I know. Integrity is my mantra. I NEVER, … Read more


Grains of GRIT – Intimacy is Real Truth and Discovery in All Relationships

My plan to return to Goofy is actually demonstrated in confidence, more so than the goofy. This is an important observation as the point isn’t to show up to life every day in a jester hat “just because”. It is having the confidence to be natural in all environments and situations, which allows my lighter side to appear as it sees fit to appear – without fear of me being labeled as inappropriate. Click in to learn more about this Composer, Cartographer and Thought Adventurer’s perspective on GRIT….